If you have ever tried recording off live streaming, you will understand that it could become a tricky situation if you do not have the utilities to convert file types or to store and replay other types. Then you also need to consider that not all streamer servers might be tapped into.
CoolRecorder is software development that makes it possible for you to view and record streaming videos. The program is supported by Coolstreaming, another utility by the same group, and as long as you are streaming with Coolstreaming, you will be able to successfully record videos or audio files with CoolRecorder. CoolRecorder runs p2p-tv, but can also function by tapping into other streaming servers such as Sopcast, Ppstream, Tvuplayer, Pplive, Tvkoo and Streameone.
The instructions are simple and easy to follow. It is as simple as starting the live streaming program, selecting the channel and start recording. The website offers a live support service and support is done in a selection of languages. The utility is freeware and can be downloaded right from the homepage. CoolRecorder is supported by Window 98, ME, XP, 2000 and Vista, and needs to be installed with Microsoft .Net 2.0.